Court banned Muraev’s party

Евгений Мураев

On June 14, the Eighth Court of Appeal in Lviv banned the Nashi party of ex-People’s Deputy Yevgeny Muraev, which the Ministry of Justice considers pro-Russian.

This is already the fourth banned pro-Russian party and now the court will consider cases for 4 more parties, in particular the cases for the parties of two state traitors Vladimir Saldo and Natalia Vitrenko.

The property of the Nashi party and all its organizations, according to a court decision, is transferred to the state. But the decision itself can be challenged in the Supreme Court.

The arguments of the ministry are still unknown to the public, since the panel of judges consisting of Matkovskaya, Kuzmich and Ulitsky did not allow journalists and members of the public to attend the meeting.

The reason for non-admission was indicated by quarantine restrictions and an internal order of the court, although even the day before, on June 13, such restrictions did not prevent the public hearing of similar cases against the Socialists and Justice and Development parties, and activists covered the course of the court hearings.

Vita Dumanskaya, leader of the Chesno movement, direct speech: “The issue of pro-Russian political parties is extremely painful for Ukrainian society. Ukrainians need to know how such parties that support the occupier are banned. In addition, it is important that the court not only consider cases of banning parties, but also bring traitors and collaborators to justice so that they cannot create new parties and run again.”

Yevgeny Muraev has become prominent in politics since 2006. Then for the first time he became a deputy of the Kharkiv Regional Council from the Viche party (now Accent).

After an unsuccessful attempt to get into parliament on the list of the Kuchma bloc in 2007, Muraev was again elected to the Kharkiv Regional Council, but from the Party of Regions (2010). From it, he first went to parliament in 2012 (181 constituencies).

In 2014, Muraev won again in 181 constituencies, already as an independent candidate. In parliament, the politician joined the Opposition Bloc faction (the court banned this party on June 8).

In 2017, Evgeny Muraev, together with Vadim Rabinovich, began to develop the For Life party. Muraev subsequently uses the experience of the rapid growth in the recognition of this party to promote his own party, Nashi.

Muraev and Rabinovich are included in the Register of traitors by the Chesno movement.