Tishchenko is no longer the head of the Transcarpathian “Servant of the People”

Николай Тищенко Слуга народа

The head of the Servant of the People prematurely terminated the powers of the People’s Deputy Mykola Tyshchenko as chairman of the Transcarpathian regional organization of the party due to a bad reputation.

The powers of Tishchenko were terminated on July 19.

Viktor Nikita, the head of the Transcarpathian OVA, was appointed as acting chairman of the regional organization.

Nikita is obliged to ensure the holding of a meeting of the Transcarpathian organization “SN” until October 19 to resolve the issue of electing a new chairman of the regional organization.

Shulyak: “In the conditions of a full-scale war with Russia, the party should be associated with the daily painstaking work to help the front and strengthen the rear, carried out by thousands of members of our political team, and not with public scandals, dubious PR actions and quarrels. It is on regional organizations that the effectiveness of fulfilling the tasks that the president and Ukrainian society sets for the party depends…

Reputational impeccability, efficiency of decisions and strong connection with people – these are the principles that the party, created by the president and delegating a monomajority to parliament, will be guided in practice.